How To Apply

Apply to your local startup chapter

We are excited that you're ready to build a sales team to fill your sales pipeline.

To make the process as seamless as possible there are a few simple steps so that you can become a founding member:

- Apply to the chapter using the appropriate section below

- Have a zoom call with your Launch Director

- Contact your references to let them know we'll be in touch.

- Complete the payment. That's it!

PS. Please continue to visit your chapter and build relationships while your application goes through the vetting process.

BNI BrantForce

If you live or work in Brantford, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Oct 1st, or shortly thereafter
  • Weekly team meetings - alternating between zoom and in person
  • Weekly individual launch coaching calls

Every Tuesday from 9:15am - 10:45am

Apply Now

BNI London Leaders

If you live or work in London, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Sept 4th
  • Weekly team meetings on Zoom
  • Weekly individual launch coaching calls

Every Wednesday from 11:00am - 12:30pm

BNI Woodstock

If you live or work in the KW area, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Nov 6th, or shortly thereafter
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Please click the links below to register for the next meeting

Every Thursday 9-10:00am

BNI London #3

If you live or work in London, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Oct 2nd
  • Weekly team meetings - alternating between zoom and in person
  • Weekly individual launch coaching calls

Every Thursday from 11:30am - 12:30pm

BNI Waterloo #5

If you live or work in the region of Waterloo, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Nov 6th, or shortly thereafter
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Please click the links below to register for the next meeting

Every Thursday 9-10:00am

BNI London #5

If you live or work in Wilmot Tp, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Nov 6th, or shortly thereafter
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Please click the links below to register for the next meeting

Every Thursday 9-10:00am

BNI Elora (Wellington County)

If you live or work in the Wellington County area, this chapter is for you.

  • Planned Launch Date of Dec 1st, or shortly thereafter
  • Weekly team meetings
  • Please click the links below to register for the next meeting

Every Thursday 9-10:00am

You Might Be Wondering...

Do I have to launch a chapter on my own?

You are an integral part of building your chapter but you are never alone. A BNI Launch Director guides you and your fellow applicants weekly through the proven launch process.

I don't really have a lot of time...will this still work for me?

Being a BNI member takes commitment. Being in charge of your own calendar is really important. This process takes time, motivation and drive to build an amazing chapter. The short term work pays off over the years to come.

What does BNI stand for?

Business Network International

I have a lot of questions. Who should I talk to?

The best thing is to attend an information session. We will most likely answer any questions you may have and, if not, you can ask whatever you need to.

Is BNI something new?

BNI have been around for over 37 years. At this moment there are over 286000 members in over 10600 chapter in over 76 countries around the world. We are the experts in what we do.

OK - I still have questions and would like to speak with someone.

Please reach out directly to Rav Badial, Executive Director for BNI Ontario Southwest here.

What if I forgot to renew online and need to make a late payment? (BNIOSW)

Please click the button to the right for the secure credit card payment portal

Are you in a startup group and have had a conversation with team? Click here.

please click the button to the right for the secure credit card payment portal

Had a conversation with the Regional team (60 day payment option)?

please click the button to the right for the secure credit card payment portal

Had a conversation with the Regional team regarding your renewal?

please click the button to the right for the secure credit card payment portal